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3 Tips to Regulate the Nervous System

Hello dear friends,

I’ve been participating the Breast Health Challenge for women's month and was asked to contribute a little tidbit of value!

As a brain-based chiropractor I love finding ways to help regulate the nervous system.

Your nervous system controls every function of your body - every cell, tissue and organ has nervous system connection.

When this connection is working well, communication is optimal and everything functions as it should.


There is a nasty little thing called the stress response.  When this occurs things go out of balance and affect the communication, and communication is crucial!

There are 3 areas of stress that we need to consider:

Physical Stress: such as accidents, injuries and repetitive movements or bad posture.

Chemical Stress: such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, poor nutrition and environmental toxins.

Mental and Emotional Stress: here it’s not so much the stress itself but our reaction to the stress.

We all know how quickly our bodies can become a ball of tight muscles when there is stressful stuff going on.

So here are 3 Tips to help combat these 3 areas of stress.

Tip No 1 - Move your spine

To assist the communication we need to improve circulation around our spinal cord.

Stand up straight, reach up to the ceiling as tall as you can, bend forward reaching for your toes.  Roll up and bend backwards.  Then gently to each side - can you reach your knee? Coming back to centre, twist to the left and right looking over your shoulder in each direction.  Now do the same movements with your neck - remember to make your neck feel long and reach “up and over”.

Tip No 2 - Stay well hydrated

Enough water helps the body flush toxins out of the body. A few suggestions are to start the day with water, keep a glass next to your bed and drink first thing when you wake up.  Carry a water bottle with you through the day so you can drink regularly through the day.  Add a little mineral salt to the water, a himalayan or celtic sea salt are good options.  Just a sesame seed size granule per glass of water is enough.

Tip No 3 - Breathe!

This can be one of the quickest ways to shift from a stress response to a relaxation response.  Use the physiological breath. Take 2 sips of air in through the nose and a long, gentle exhale out.  Doing 3 to 5 cycles can make a huge difference in how you're feeling.

So I hope these 3 Tips help you calm your nervous system when you find yourself in a stress response.

  • Move your spine

  • Drink more water

  • Breathe

I hope you have a fabulous day.

©2024 by Goslett Chiropractic

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